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General System Programming
2000 IPS Trunk Selection Prefix


Sometimes it's necessary to add or change your numbering plan, so as to enable or disable users of the NEC 2000 IPS phone system to select a specific trunk when dialling a number. The most common use for this (in the UK, at least!) is using 9 to select the first preferred trunk to the PSTN. This will most likely be a trunk, such as an analogue circuit, ISDN2 or ISDN30 circuit or a SIP trunk.


Taking a step back for a moment it's worth mentioning that in this subject arena, you have Trunks, Trunk Groups and LCR Plans.


A trunk is usually single line (or channel) - but when you have hardware like ISDN2 or ISDN30 circuits, you have to bundle lots of trunks together in one big configuration, so when you need to use it, you select anything that is available on it! This forms a Trunk Group.


Once you have built a Trunk Group you usually access them via an LCR plan - this enables you to bundle lots of trunk groups together in one big plan and decide on restrictions and specifics of how it's used - like what numbers should be restricted, how many numbers to wait for before sending the string the trunk itself.


The LCR plan is accessed via the Dial Plan. In theory your dial plan is a required part of the NEC 2000 IPS system programming, whereas the LCR plan programming isn't. You can make and take calls perfectly well without the LCR plan, but the LCR plan adds thousands of extra options, such as route selection, necessary digits, barring tables, digit addition and so on.


Dial Plan > LCR Plan > Trunk Selection > Trunk Group Programming > Trunk


Go into MATworX and select MOC from the menu.


Now remember, that you start a command with a forward-slash (/), you submit each item of data using the <spacebar> and you only execute a command when using the full stop (.)


We want to look into the number plan, so press / and you'll see "COMMAND>" return on the screen. Then type 200 (CM200 is Number Plan Zero) followed by the number the user would dial for the trunk you're interested in. To see an overall view, you could start with zero (followed by space bar) and use the enter key to scroll through all 10 of the numeric 1-digit number plan entries to see what data is already in your system.


Your screen will look something like this.


The image shows the number plan numbers from 0 to 9 and, keeping this brief the replies are as follows:

0: 801 = 0 goes to a 1 digit internal destination

1: 804 = 1 goes to a 4 digit internal destination

2: 804 = 2 goes to a 4 digit internal destination

7: A129 = 7 goes to LCR plan A129

9: A129 = 9 goes to LCR plan A129










The bits we're interested in for Trunk selection is anything that has a second data of 1xx (a specific trunk) or anything that has a second data of Axxx (an LCR group which could contain the specific trunks).


Now, in the UK, 99% of systems ever built in the UK would have A129 pointing to any available ISDN or Analogue PSTN trunk. Thats how it is - I can go into further detail about how to determine what is inside an LCR plan, but that's another story - just trust me on this one!


So you can be pretty sure that if a number in your number plan goes to A129, that's going to hit any PSTN trunks you have. If you want to MAKE a number in the number plan access that LCR plan, then simply do the following:

CM200 > 8 : A129


Press Forward Slash to get "COMMAND", followed by 200 <spacebar, then 8 and <spacebar>, then type A129 and press "." (full stop)


If you want to DELETE a number in the number plan which accesses that LCR plan, then simply do the following:


CM200 > 7 : A129: CCC


Press Forward Slash to get "COMMAND", followed by 200 <spacebar> then 8 and the spacebar, then type CCC and press "." (full stop)


In this instance, you've made 8 select LCR group A129 and removed 7 from selecting LCR group A129.


Call Forwarding For All 2000 IPS Extensions

Setting Call Forwards on Dterms and Analogue stations


Call Forwards can be set on both Physical and Virtual extensions. Before setting Call Forwarding please use CM 15 to check if call forwarding is allowed for the class that the station belongs to. By default, call forwarding externally is barred. Follow the link below for further details:


Call forwarding Class of Service


To enable Call forwarding to external numbers you need to check if Trunk to Trunk transfer is enabled. Follow the link below for further details:

Trunk to Trunk Transfer


Using the Handset to Set Call forwards:


To Set:

1. Press the Speaker button

2. Press the Call Forward button (Call Forward All /Call Forward Busy /Call Forward No Answer)

3. Dial the number of the required destination

4. Press the Speaker Button


To Cancel:

1. Press the Speaker button

2. Press the Call Forward button (Call Forward All /Call Forward Busy /Call Forward No Answer)

3. Press the Star key

4. Press the Speaker Button


Using Access Codes:


To Set:

1. Lift the handset

2. Dial the required access code to set the Call Forward (i.e. *01 for Call Forward All, *02 for Call Forward No Answer and *03 for Call Forward Busy )

3. Dial the number of the required destination

4. Replace the handset


To Cancel

1. Lift the handset

2. Dial the required access code to cancel the Call Forward (i.e. #01 for Call Forward All, #02 for Call Forward No Answer and #03 for Call Forward Busy )

3. Replace the handset


Using the Command Interface MOC:


To Set:

CM E600 (to set Call Forward All) &gt; Extension Number : Destination Number (if to an external number, the access code must be used e.g. 9,123)

CM E601 (to set Call Forward Busy) &gt; Extension Number : Destination Number

CM E602 (to set Call Forward No Answer) &gt; Extension Number : Destination Number


To Cancel:

CM E600 (to set Call Forward All) &gt; Extension Number : CCC

CM E601 (to set Call Forward Busy) &gt; Extension Number : CCC

CM E602 (to set Call Forward No Answer) &gt; Extension Number : CCC



SMDR Call Logging for the NEC 2000 IPS

SMDR Overview


The Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) feature allows the system to send a raw data of the trunk outgoing/incoming call information. The SMDR data can be received by a personal computer (PC) which is running RS-232C terminal emulation software. ( This is referred to in the rest of this TIB as simply “SMDR terminal”) The NEAX 2000 IVS provides two sources of SMDR output - one is via the Main Processor (MP) built-in SMDR, and the other is the SMDR via the Application Processor (AP00).


Call information is sent out from the MP or AP00 to the SMDR terminal when each call is completed. If the SMDR terminal is not connected to the system or if the SMDR terminal is not ready for receiving information, the call information is temporarily stored in the MP or AP00. As soon as the SMDR terminal becomes ready to receive information, the call information temporarily stored in the MP or AP00 is sent out to the SMDR terminal.


MP Built-in SMDR


The Built-in SMDR consists of the MP and the external SMDR terminal.


• MP card:The MP stores various kinds of information on an event basis. When a call is completed, the MP sends out the call information for that specific call to the SMDR terminal. Two RS-232C ports can be used for the SMDR terminal interface. The MP keeps supervising the status of the SMDR terminal. If the SMDR terminal is not ready to receive information (Busy Status), the MP temporarily stores the call information into its internal memory. When the number of the call records stored in the MP reaches the maximum, new call records will be lost. Note: the call record memory will be cleared by MP reset.


• SMDR Terminal: An Asynchronous Personal Computer is used as the SMDR terminal for receiving and processing the call information. The maximum number of SMDR terminal is two.




(1) MP Built-in SMDR:


# The maximum number of trunk calls simultaneously: No EXPMEM card on MP provided: 64 trunk calls, EXPMEM card on MP provided: 255 trunk calls.

# The maximum of call recorded: No EXPMEM card on MP provided: 256 call recorded, EXPMEM card on MP provided: 1024 call recorded.


SMDR terminal Programming


Command           FD           SD


4000 0 or 1 14 (This sets port 0 or 1 to output SMDR, note: if you set port 1 to SMDR inbuilt modem cannot be used!!!!!)

4001                  *0 or 1    1 (Default)  - Data length 8 bits

4002                  *0 or 1    1 (Default)  - Parity check ineffective

4003                  *0 or 1    1 (Default)  - Parity odd

4004                  *0 or 1    0 - 1 Stop bit

4008                  *0 or 1    4 - 9600 Data speed


Additonal commands:


1306 -  Provide SMDR for station

3514 -  Provide SMDR for trunk route

1305 -  Provide incoming SMDR per extn

3549 -  Provide incoming SMDR per Trunk Route

CM08, FD:426 SD:0 Effective for all incoming calls

CM08 FD:463 DS:0 Send CLI to SMDR terminal


To test the output from the main processor after the above programming connect the SMDR cable between the comm. Port on your PC and the Main Processor. Run Hyper Terminal or a similar application set the comm. Port as : 9600 8 none 1 and you should get the following output after several successful calls:


0!KE030027001810 10311157421031115815 000030 00000 0!KE030026001811 10311157561031115824 00003000001908690888 0 0!KA03003400120210311157421031115824 0000300301620292047744000000 0!KA030055001216 1031114940103111583800003003016201753822921 0000 00!KE030026001402 10311158241031115900 10003000001908690888 0 0!KE030025001810 10311155131031115921 000030 000012528202550 0!KA061250001810 10311155381031115921 000061061711 0000 0 0!KE0300

26001811 10311159121031115929 00003000001512366600 0

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-252" title="gallery_nec_2000_ips_call_logging_smdr" src="" alt="" width="215" height="115" /></a></p>

Setting Up Call Pickup Groups

How To Setup Call Pickup Groups In Matworx!

Okay, like a linux bore at a computer market in the sports hall of a school outside Dartford, I'm going to lay it down here that if you really could be bothered, you won't go wrong adding, deleting and modifying a Call Pickup Group in MOC mode.

The reason I say this is that the MATworX GUIs sometimes can't work out what's going on and will give you mis-information. A perfect example is when you have an extension in a pickup group - then some nonse deletes the extension and recreates it again. If that extension has not been removed from the pickup group first then it is technically referred to as FUBAR (it won't work).

That's because like most 'groups' in the NEC IPS - they're built in what can only be described as a chain - a chain which, when a link is removed falls apart and is neither use to man nor beast.

So, what I am getting at in a convoluted way is that if one day you sit down, and you transform from a smiling, whistling, happy-go-lucky human being to a chainsaw-wielding maniac - all because MATworX makes no sense whatsoever, then you'll need to go into MOC to fix it. That, alas is another day, another story. Shall we begin? To setup call pickup groups, you need to go into MaTWorX and click on Station, then click on Call Pickup Group:



The Call Pickup window will open...



Yes, it's empty. You need to click on Listup in Create Group. MATWorX will now take 3 of your Earth days to download the current data that's already on the PBX. To Create Pickup Groups: The list underneath the Available column are the extension numbers that have not been assigned in a pickup group. To assign them in a group you need to highlight one of the extension numbers and then click on the button with the arrow facing right, this will move the extension number to the Members column. Carry on highlighting the other extension numbers and moving them to the right column until all the required extensions are on the right hand column.



Click on Build Group to create the pickup group. MATWorx will then go away and DESTROY any existing group you modified and REBUILD a new one!



Bear in mind that each extension number can only belong to 1 pickup group only. To setup the pickup button for each extension you will need to click on Station and then click on Station Assignment



If you click on Key Data Assignment



If you look at the example on Key 8, the pickup code is F0020, this code is used to pickup all the other extension numbers that is in the same pickup group as the extension number you are on now. Bonus Ball: F0021 is pickup station (not a group - just pickup the phone, press this button and the extension which is ringing and t'will be answered!) To check and/or modify the pickup groups, go to the Modify Group section: For Example, The pickup group for x7126 has x7149, x7120 and x7124 x7126 is capable of picking up x7149, x7120 and x7124 by pressing the 8th button (F0020).

If you need to modify the pickup group then use the button with the right hand to include more extensions and the button with the left arrow to delete out of the group. Click on Update Group to update the pickup group.

OFD Restore Procedure

What is an OFD?

It's a file, which MATWorX can generate, which is essentially a listup of all the command data in your 2000 IPS. You can generate an OFD by going into MATWorX and selecting the Save/Load/Verify from the Menus.


When Can I Generate An OFD?

You're supposed to do it offiline (rotary switch in position 2, system reset) and via a Serial connection. If you switch it to 19200 baud, it should take less than 20 minutes, depending on how much data is on the system. MATWorX will let you generate an OFD whilst in ONLINE mode, but it's not recommended because certain parts of the programming may be in use, or be changed whilst the generation is occuring, thus providing you with corrupt data.


You can also generate an OFD over serial or modem cable - however for some reason it suggests it will often take hours, and I wouldn't trust the outcome!


Why Would I Generate An OFD?

You may simply want a routine backup of all your PBX programming. You may be making lots of changes, which will require a save to ROM and therefore not be un-do-able, and want a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you're performing an MP firmware upgrade, then you WANT to take an OFD incase it all goes pear shaped.


Things To Know Once you have taken your OFD (which will usually be a few hundred kilobytes)

You can then use it to restore to another, or the same processor. It's also generally accepted that you clear down all the data on the system (also rotary 2, reset, serial connection, CM00, 1, CCC). You apply the OFD in the same place you generated it, except under the LOAD section.


You can also verify an OFD to see if it's all good using.......verify!! Again, only load an OFD when in offline mode.


Once loaded here are some pointers:

Do an EC6/backup to ROM BEFORE you reset the PBX. I think the system automatically backs the new data up to ROM when the OFD restore finishes, but do it again to be sure. Then, still in offline mode, do an Office Data Conversion using command CM00>90:0. If you have upgraded the firmware on the CPU, this will ensure that any commands which have been replaced or superceded will be migrated to the new ones. Backup to ROM again.


Check and Change the time(it'll reset).


Test both an IP and TDM phone - the Dial tone/Hold/Ring etc maybe different, if so, you will need to go over and check your tone commands, and possibly, upload specific tone firmware onto your MP. I know in the UK we sometimes mistakenly (those silly boys!) were given Dutch firmware with different tones, which we had to manually over-write. DTG files must be loaded using an MP download with rotary switch on 8. You can also run in MACH editor a dial tone conversion script (if you have one) - changes won't occur til you ROM and reset).


IP phones tone may need to be changed manually. On modern firmware IP phones, you have a hidden menu where you have to set the Region to the local country tone. There also were some commands, I think to set it system wide - but I don't know for sure. To change to UK dial tone do doing the following (on an IP phone): Hold, Transfer, *, # Hold, #, 0 look for menu 3 Area ID when in Area ID, enter 8# until Uk is displayed. Save change and wait until phone boots up Check dial of IP phone. If everything checks out the create another OFD as a backup. Well done!

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