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Resolving Zeacom Phantom / Stuck Calls

Zeacom Phantom Calls

In versions 2 and 3 of the Zeacom Server, you may need to delete a phantom call? What is a phantom call, I hear you ask?

Well, the Zeacom Server is constantly monitoring and controlling calls from the NEC 2000 IPS (or whichever PBX, really!), and so sometimes the Zeacom Server isn't able to determine a call has ended - or was able to connect it in the first place.

This sometimes causes Zeacom applications to show a call is in progress, when infact the Zeacom should have cleared the call down. You can delete phantom calls in Zeacom Q-Master queues, or seen via a CTI app using the PABXview tool that is supplied with the server software.

This tool is designed to allow removal of such calls without interfering with the operation of other live calls and the system as a whole. Killing phantom calls is not a routine function that should be performed by a Call Centre Supervisor.

1. Open Zeacom Q-Desktop. (This can be done on the Zeacom server).

2. Place the mouse cursor over the phantom call. The phantom is normally the first in the queue as it would have spent the most time there. A reference number appears under the cursor as indicated in Figure 1. Note that the computer running Zeacom Q-Desktop must have Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher installed to show this reference.

3. Record the reference number. This number is in decimal. Using a calculator, convert this number to HEX. A scientific calculator can be accessed on the server in the following way: − Click Start Programs Accessories Calculator − On the Calculator toolbar, click “View” and “enable Scientific”.

4. Run the file: C:\Program files\Zeacom\System\PABXview.exe

5. Click on the icon indicated in Figure 2. Look for the reference number that you have recorded in the “seq” column. It is very important that you confirm that you have the correct number for that call when on a live site. Otherwise you could easily delete a queued customer call.

6. Right-click on it. Under the cursor, a phantom window appears as indicated in Figure 3. Left-click on it.

7. Your phantom should now be cleared. Check the queue.